donderdag, september 08, 2005

Me again

Hmmm ... this is a little more recent picture of me, although I look terrible the last years ... overweighted & sadness carved in the lines of my face.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. I can help you remove those lines of sadness if i could reach out across the distance and touch your heart.

  2. Aaw ... what a sweet thing to say 'stranger' *smile*... but you don't know that.
    Don't trick yourself in thinking that you know me because you read my blog.
    That just can't be ... although I sometimes whish it could.

  3. I guess you don't wish to be happy.
    That is what is sad.

  4. Hmmm ... quite a 'strong' thing to say ... considering you don't really know me .... but you're forgiven ... of course. <3

  5. Unless you have a physiological problem, all depression can be overcome if one does not wish for it.I know! I used to be the king of sad.
    usually it is a case of wanting attention and feeling sorry for one's self.That leads to everyone around me or you not wanting to associate with you and if they do,is because they feel tolerant and that they do not wish to abandon you. But they secretly wish that you or I would just snap out of it.
    So if you say i do not know you, you are wrong as you are not unique. I do know people just like you and me. Do you not have anyone that pays special attention to you or tries to cheer you up? Do you just ignore them or disregard what they are trying to do for you. If so, then the choice is yours if you wish to remain in that emotional state.
    I am just a blog surfer looking for others like me and you seem to need help.I am merely offering you my 2 guilders ;-)worth.No charge to you. You can tell me to go to heck or we can discuss this further. remeber it is you that brought this attention unto yourself by publishing your image and saying that sadness is what caused you to look the way you do. It seems that no one has commented to your posts. just me??

  6. Ehm ... first things first ...I'm not to fond of actually discussing the things I write in my blog to this extend in my comments.
    Yes my blog is here for anyone to see, and there's a possibility to comment, but that doesn't mean I like to answer everything people want to know about me.
    No hard feelings, I just felt the need to point that out.
    *quote*It seems that no one has commented to your posts. just me??*/quote*
    I didn't write in this particular blog for about three years ago not many people are really reading this, and I just recently made the possibility to comment.

  7. I guess I,ll just move on.
    No hard feelings. Just thought that you were expecting someone to comment on your personal addmissions.

    Good bye and happier times.

  8. Not sure what you expected from reading a blog, but I'm mainly writing this as some sort of journal for me, or perhaps my children to read in years to come.
    AND of course because I like to write and am curious about the occasional 'passing ship'.
    Anyway, Happy times too you as well !
    (mine are quite happy btw, am really not sure where you get the idea that I'm not happy right now)

  9. You are exasperating. Just refer to your blogs. If you just want your family to read this then why are you broadcasting your thoughts and feelings all across the wide world web?

  10. "exasperating" .. I had to look that one up .. This is what the dictionary said:
    1 aggravating, exacerbating, exasperating ..making worse
    2 exasperating, infuriating, maddening, vexing extremely annoying or displeasing

    Well ... let this be my last public answer too you then.
    I didn't say I only wanted my family to read this ... just read my comment again, I also said being curious to the occasional passing ship, and
    Furthermore you do seem to forget that my last entries in this blog were from 3(!) years ago ... I tend to change .. so do my circumstances.
    The choice to 'broadcast' my thoughts & feelings all across the web is mine to make .... and I dare say that I'm in good compagny with the thousands & thousands bloggers (some are even famous!)with me.
    Well now,thats it, you were an interesting ship to meet for sure!


I would be thrilled if you comment !