donderdag, september 08, 2005

The Dutch blog

Indeed, I did start a Dutch blog back then, and it's a pity it's in Dutch because it tells a lot of interesting (though sad) things about me and the relationship I'm in (and out) for the last 23 years.
Although I've always been thinking about 'us', I now understand that 'I' is equally important ... or even more important ... We get born alone, We die alone..
Know what I mean ?
Anywayz, there have been a couple of very sad years for me, with anti-depressants and a lot of other sh*t I rather not talk about.
Not here .... well, not now.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Sadness is something that comes from the heart. Pills will not help. Happiness and joy from a loving person can do wonders. Even if sadness comes thru relationships,as long as both people can comprimise and validate each others grievances,all can be overcome.

  2. If you can point me to your dutch blog and the references to your relationships, i would like to read it. I take an interest in relationships and what makes them work and what makes them fail.
    Living proof,I am.8-)

    I don't read Dutch but can loosely translate via a service.


  3. Hi there Misha,
    The words "The Dutch Blog" on top of the post make the link to that blog...
    Yes I know, I've been playing around with the link colors too much ;-)
    But the translation will be VERY loosely I have to warn you ... those translating services make it more a laughable then a serious translation is my experience with them o-0
    Greetz, *Ellen*


I would be thrilled if you comment !