zaterdag, mei 26, 2007

A floating blog

A blog softly floating, not falling,
Drifting in cyberspace.
Don't think it's lost though .. it isn't.
It's hoovering near you right now,
You've seen it and catched it, and eventually will read it.
Perhaps just this bit, perhaps more,
Perhaps you feel moved, perhaps you recognize it.
It's a blog ... it's my blog.
I allow it to roam the web, like I roam my thoughts.
It's like me .. in search of knowledge,
In search of searchers ...
It's my beacon.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat leuk dat je weer aan je weblog werkt :)!!
    Mooie olifantjes trouwes!
    Kusje <3 Jerney

  2. Ja Jer, dat komt omdat ik jouw blog aan't lezen was !
    Ellen xXx

  3. Dat is eigelijk best wel een compliment :)
    Ik denk eraan weer helemaal overnieuw te beginnen.. Het zou wel sonde zijn maar toch....


I would be thrilled if you comment !