woensdag, februari 15, 2006

One of the last batch of Poserworx I've made ... I L*O*V*E* the doggies. :-)
And a few linx for the art lovers http://www.neen.org/wb/w/pages/index.htm and http://www.larrycarlson.com/ the rest I'll save for later.
A bit about me ... I'm recovering from a cold that didn't turn into a flue because I take about 3 grams vitamine C each day .... and some B complex & foliumacid I think it's called in English.
At http://avalokita.deviantart.com is my latest Poserwork to be seen.
Oh, and here's a weblog in Dutch that I find very sweet and interesting, but that's because it's written by a very, dear, old friend whom I love (and his family & especially Snowowl his wife) very much. Frankslog: http://www.frankslog.nl .. it just would be nice if people would go through this link to his log .... o well ;-)

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