donderdag, september 27, 2001

This my reaction on a topic on my sister's messageboard , it's on her site ,under the babble link , the topic name is 600 words and my article is named True.
So here it is :

What's been written in this article is right, and it's not that difficult to find out for yourself where the USA was going wrong....but , what I can't forget (all this time we are working for worldpeace) is that WE are on the 'other' side as well....we are part of the rich western world , we consume to much and our politicians neglect the starving as well.
But changing this is such an immense task , that every individual is overwhelmed by it.
The only solution I can think of is really simple and perhaps not far reaching enough , but it works for me (and always has)...
Be a caring person in your own living space, take care of children & animals , take care of the environment, be compassionate.
Shelter, feed and help ALL the people less fortunate then yourself.
Take a REALLY good look around you and see all the un-necessary luxury items you've collected over the years.....see how privileged we well fed , how well taken care of....

NOW RETURN THE FAVOR , there are many people who need that , often in your own your love.

And in the end, the love you take ,(will) be equal to the love you make....
-John Lennon-

So when I write "Love & Peace" ...I mean it.


donderdag, september 20, 2001

Pay attention please !

I would like you to cast a Peace vote .
It's for a good cause ...WORLD PEACE.... now YOU can vote for that can you ?
The ACTION AGAINST ANGER site from our Canadian brothers & sisters... : )
The USA site for the Action Against Anger....
and this is the United Kingdom site.....
This drawing is made by Josh , the 11 year old son of my internet friend Njneere

I know...The terrorist attack that shocked America and shocked the world is almost ten days old...and I haven't mentioned it yet .
In fact , I haven't had the time at all to write about it because I was devastated
I've changed my campage for the time being...have a look at it , there are some usefell links there.

And look at these Prayer Circles at ...SO many , in just one site !
It's almost hopefull.....

maandag, september 10, 2001

zondag, september 09, 2001

I couldn't help myself , but I had to show you some of the most unusual Thai food I've ever seen.
Enjoy !
Online Buddhist Center
These are cool.
Yeah, I know...I haven't been doing a lot on this (or any other) page...I'm ill , bronchitis, and life in general takes to much of my energy to do as much as I want on the internet.
But I sure hope I''ve got enough time (of life) to do that later.
In the mean some of's the sort of thing that occupies me.
Online Buddhist Center