donderdag, april 26, 2001

Something Awful is the hilarious site I found the Awful site of the day on, really funny articles at the first page. : )
Oh man...I haven't had any time at all... : ( no writings from me, and the comming weeks will be even worse ...I suck at webdesign I think...djeez...learning Dreamweaver , Photoshop , html AND Flash (a little) in 18 weeks while raising two sons, working part-time and taking care of my sick man is a bit heavy...well... I guess I'll just do whatever I can, and see where the ship reaches shore ( an old dutch saying).
See what I've found :Mr. Bling Bling's Ca$h Money Page Awful site of the day...... have fun !

vrijdag, april 20, 2001

Hacker Network - Extreme Stick Death this was pretty entertaining...the kids loved it ...yeah...that figures....
Save the rainforest I guess this is a nice little game..... : )
This : Who would have ever thought a title bar could collect dust is the campage of my internet friend

He's one of the two 'really' nice man I've met on the internet in the two years I've roamed the web for interesting people. And I like his "radio/internet rands" a lot ! Check out his homepage...some interesting writings there.
I sure hope you don't mind this Paulerin !
SynthesoftHere you can find my favorite screensavers...espacially KINE

donderdag, april 19, 2001

ICQ Advertisement Removal For the irritating BIG banner underneath the message pane. The small SMS banner on top of your contactlist is removable aswell.... but I haven't tried the patches myself yet.

maandag, april 16, 2001

I've changed the look of my Messageboard a little , look for yourself.

The constellation of stars called Cassiopeia..

and this is the constellation "Ursa major"
OMG , what are they doing ?? The US navy is KILLING Whales with their low frequency tests ! It makes me cry............... : (
Spiritual wisdom from Hawaii, Tibet, and Nations of Angels! Well....this is quite a site... take some time to read about this wonderous lady.

woensdag, april 11, 2001

Late again...I would like to share this last eye-candy to dream about.. (a bit weird but calming dreams)
OK...I'd like to get some comments on my log , so I will add an e-mail button now and then.
Starting NOW.....
This is a dutch link about Buddhism......Buddhism

For my friend Beau (Kraai)

dinsdag, april 10, 2001

22-28 April : TV Turnoff Week YEAAHHHH !
(although they're actually saying turn MONITOR off week, no Playstation, no internet !)
I've just got my second poem published at Het Schrijverspodium , I'm really sorta proud.....
I was looking at these PICTURES and realized I've put on a lotta weight behind my pc during the last two years ! Mind you...these pic's are two years old..... :-)

maandag, april 09, 2001

If you're _like me_ an admirer of a nice well worked out desktop theme.....then go to Christina's Desktop Reflections you won't regret it , I'll promise you !
I've made a link on my campage to the new message board , and the homepage button points toward this 'hardly a log" !

zondag, april 08, 2001

So here it is...Tadaaa...ta....da da daaaa ! The Cannabis Top 100 ! You'll find hundreds (well, 100 actually) of sites about GANJA there. Enjoy & Roll one !
Right ! I thought it's about time to talk to ya'll about one of my favorite hobby's.... The growing , and smoking of WEED !
I can give you a thousand links about this subject but I'll just give you a portal site about weed in the next entry.
OK...I'd like to get some comments on my log , so I will add an e-mail button now and then...
Hmmmm.....I just woke up ...sunday morning..let's see what will I .....
OK, since I was talking about my sis yesterday, I'll show you her digital signature

Pretty neat, eh ? : )
The very diverse clocks of Amazing Planet Clock of the Month have been on my desktop for quite a while !

zaterdag, april 07, 2001

IMPORTANT ! .... Do I have your attention ?
Ok , it's like this , I've got this "message board with a mission" , I could explain all of it here in my log , but that would take to much of my time , so IF you're interrested (it's about the power positive thoughts can have) go to my HEALING VIBES messageboard and write if you're in need for help yourself, OR write to join our *Ring of Positive Thoughts* !

These two beauties are made by my sister Daphne

This page about Shamanism I put here for my colleague and new friend Beau, I will later on put some more links that might be interresting for him.
Well , ofcourse it's my own field of interrest as well !
I removed the yin-yang cursor,
but changed it in an UFO...still dying to see one....

vrijdag, april 06, 2001

It's late again , night is here.... Let me light a lantern for you to shed some light on your way through eternity

Did you ever see the fun in space matters ? No ?
By the way... did you know you can find
my cam at the camarades sites ? There you can also find my icq on a button somewhere. : )
The Kamagurka Website. This is a very strange or should I say weird comedian/painter/poet from Belgium, the site is in dutch as well as english, french and german... : )
This is the site where I've got all the awsome sealife grafix from : SEA WORLD.

Check it out , it has lotsa cars gifs as well if you're interrested in cars.
Wouldn't you want to wear those incredible Thiaoouba Fashion Chakra Shirts and Auric Garments ? I laughed my ass of with this (rather stupid) site.
He's very productive as you can see here.
And let me add another visual beauty here
BTW....devoted bee is a great site with drawings as well , I just discovered this one.
Just one more ! : )I had a good idea a few minutes ago
Maybe, it doesn't really matter any more This is one of the superb drawings Sam Brown makes from the titles YOU send him !
It's late.... I don't have much time to write much, but I want you to see this loveley new grafic I found

Goodnight....Sleep well.

woensdag, april 04, 2001

Help making a perfect map ofMARS

I really enjoy this relatively new feature of NASA

dinsdag, april 03, 2001

I'm taking a course...webdesign, I must admitt I'm not learning as quick as I used to.
Actually,I'm struggeling right now with Dreamweaver. Flash and Photoshop still to come...
funny thing is, I can't say it's difficult matter, it's just ...I don't have to much time.
Can't say I'm sleeping enough either (3 hours is my average).
BUT.... I'm enjoying myself a lot ! So who cares about sleep ? As a pal of mine NJNEERE says:
"Sleep is just practise for being dead" and I do know what he means. Go check out his page, he's a"Whacky Inventor" and a great guy to chat with (if he has time).So here's a pictureof him, and his doggie Sophie. *Smiles*.'re absolutely takes way to much time to load,
I'll go easy on the grafix !

Just this last one then.... for now. ;-)
Klik this to help fight hunger.
THE MOST ADDICTIVE GAME I've seen the last year...very sweet and loveley...Looping Butterflies... I dare you to play it just once ! (you can't, you'll have to try again)

maandag, april 02, 2001

Hey there !....( not existing readers of this log)...Anyway.... : winners
This is quite a cool site ..lots of entries ...all smaller then 5K...
Which is pretty amazing !
Ohw , man .....I'm so tired !

Dit ben ik trouwens....BTW...this is me....

zondag, april 01, 2001

Ok....Eric is a strange guy...I'll admit that ....but he also has an almost addictive face....
look at Eric !
Eric Conveys an Emotion

This is such a relaxing though humerous site...... one of my all time favorites !

Ik geloof dat het het hese schreeuwen
van meeuwen was,
of het strijklicht van de vuurtoren
over verlaten strand.
Misschien was het de constellatie
van de sterren,
of het ruisen van de lege zee.

in ieder geval was jij toen bij me
en stroomde mijn hart over.
