dinsdag, december 11, 2001

Het ongeboren zieltje van MICHAEL TILLEMANS, kindje van mijn lieve vriendinnetje Rita & haar tijdelijke reisgezel Sander, vliegt hier symbolies in deze virtuele vlindertuin speciaal en met veel liefde bestemd voor ongeboren kindjes.

The unborn soul of Michael Tillemans, baby of my sweet friend Rita & Sander_her once travelling companion on life's roads_ ,symbolically flies here in these butterfly gardens (click link), that are made with a lotta love for these little *starbabies* .

zaterdag, december 08, 2001

At Beliefnet.com I've found a new calming meditation ... it's called the 23rd psalm and God knows I need a calming meditation since I've quit smoking today !!

donderdag, december 06, 2001

woensdag, november 28, 2001

Heineken Feestje.nl Watch this site long enough , and you'll see a party develop in a boy's (man's)livingroom..... Funny !
I know It's been pretty silent in this log lately.
BUT..... I've been off-line for a week , there seem to be lots of problems at the provider's side (cable). O well , who cares ? ... as long as I'm on-line again...(because I had real cold turckey symptoms without my internet !)

dinsdag, november 13, 2001

zaterdag, november 03, 2001

Something to make you smile !
Cannot find the damn server
Volunteer your idle pc time !! at the homepage of United Devices, Inc. ™ .
I had to bring this to your attention one more time :-)
... it's good karma ! ;-)

maandag, oktober 29, 2001

Waste vital minutes with the PERPETUAL BUBBLEWRAP
I must confess that I'm a "pop the bubble" addict am myself...In real life that is , although this is fun as well !

zondag, oktober 21, 2001


This memorial is for Jannigje de Groot-van Dijk ,
my brave grandmother
who died more then a week ago.....she was the last of my grandparents....an era gone by.....

donderdag, oktober 18, 2001

Yesterday I had to speak at the funeral of my last grandmother...my older ancestors are dead now.
Anyway , I wish I could have made clear something of the feeling that's in this story (it's a book).
Take some time to read it , I think it's important.
It's called : Making Friends With Death

And last but not least , my all-time favoriete :The Hunger Site : Give Food for Free to Hungry People in the World
Bye bye now......sleep well tonight....Sssshhhhh.........
The Breast Cancer Site : Fund Mammograms for Free
FinePrint Software: FinePrint Benefits
This isn't a "click for free" site , but this could be a good project I guess...
Improving Water and Hygiene
EcologyFund.com, Donate! - reduce pollution for free!
EcologyFund.com - Save, preserve and protect Amazon Basin rainforest for free!
Please take 10 minutes of your precious time and make these FREE clicks for various projects.
You can fight hunger, help the breastcancer research,save the rainforest or _as in this site_ plant a tree !
EcologyFund.com Donate! - save, protect, preserve wilderness and rainforest for free!

maandag, oktober 15, 2001

An interesting article I read about this horrible WAR we're in.

The Civilian Toll
by A. J. Chien
Institute for Health and Social Justice / October 11

As the bombs fall on Afghanistan, the toll among civilians mounts:
76 dead and over 100 injured after four days, according to Reuters.
While to many it is indefensible to kill innocent people, US and
NATO leaders offer a defense: that civilians are not being targeted.
As Tony Blair claimed, "This military plan has been put together
mindful of our determination to do all we humanly can to avoid
civilian casualties." But there's two problems with this defense: it's
not relevant, and it's not true.

On the first point, consider something called the "mens rea" analysis
of criminal law. According to Michael Tonry, Professor of Law at the
University of Minnesota, "In the criminal law, purpose and
knowledge are equally culpable states of mind. An action taken with
a purpose to kill is no more culpable than an action taken with some
other purpose in mind but with knowledge that a death will probably
result. Blowing up an airplane to kill a passenger is equivalent to
blowing up an airplane to destroy a fake painting and thereby to
defraud an insurance company, knowing that the passenger will be
killed. Both are murder. Most people would find the latter killing
more despicable" (Malign Neglect, p. 32).

Tonry uses such reasoning to indict the architects of the US "war on
drugs." Writing in 1995, Tonry notes that from 1980 the rate of
incarceration for blacks rose much faster than that for whites, and
that the proportions of blacks among those admitted to prison
reached record levels. These results were foreseeable. Data
available in the late 1980s showed, on the one hand, an overall
national decline in drug use through the 1980s and, on the other, a
general increase in use of cocaine and heroin as measured by
emergency room admissions and urinalysis results of arrestees in
urban areas. The latter indicators were reflective of a growing drug
use problem in urban poor areas, with minority populations.
Inasmuch as drug czar William Bennett's drug warriors knew this
data well, they knew the consequences of their policies: as Senator
Daniel Patrick Moynihan put it, "...by choosing prohibition [of drugs]
we are choosing to have an intense crime problem concentrated
among minorities." Tonry concludes, by the "mens rea" analysis of
criminal law, that Bennett and colleagues were just as morally
responsible for the destruction of black communities as they would
be if this destruction had been their goal all along.

Another application is the current bombing. Let's assume, as we are
told, that civilians are not being targeted. It doesn't matter. The first
wave of attacks reportedly consisted largely of "dumb" bombs
dropped or launched from long distances, and even current "smart"
bombs hit their targets only 70 to 80 percent of the time. So our
leaders know full well that the bombs will kill innocent people, indeed
admit as much. By the principles of our criminal law, they are
therefore just as culpable for these deaths as they would be if
innocents were targeted. Similarly for the foreseeable starvation of
Afghan civilians because of the bombing's disruption of
humanitarian aid efforts - only in this case there are potentially
millions of victims.

What if the purpose is noble? One could defend the predictable
deaths of civilians if it resulted from, say, shooting down an airliner
in order to keep it from smashing a skyscraper. In Afghanistan the
purpose is, as a New York Times correspondent puts it, "to tilt the
balance of power within Afghanistan against the Taliban," put forth
as a noble goal in the fight against terrorism
But recall that theTaliban does not stand accused of the terrorism of September 11.
The Taliban is guilty of real crimes, but the reason we are bombing
them is for refusing to hand over Osama bin Laden without seeing
the evidence against him. Its punishment is to be overthrown by an
equally brutal regime. Notwithstanding the headlines in US dailies,
nobility is not immediately apparent, never mind anything so noble
that it outweighs a great many deaths.

Let's now consider whether all the targets are really military, in
conjunction with some relevant international law. Under article 48 of
the Geneva Conventions, "In order to ensure respect for and
protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties
to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian
population and combatants and between civilian objects and military
objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against
military objectives." But the main aim of the US strikes is not military
but political, to remove the Taliban from power. For all its
wretchedness, the Taliban is not simply an army but a political
entity, and its members largely civilians, not combatants. So the
distinctions of article 48 evidently have not been heeded: many of
the targets hit, such as Taliban headquarters and other buildings in
Kabul and Kandahar, would seem to count as "civilian objects" (just
as the White House presumably would, notwithstanding its hosting of
the commander-in-chief).

Then there is article 51: "Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited...[such
as]...an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of
civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects or a
combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the
concrete and direct military advantage anticipated." And similarly we
have the Nuremberg Charter, which classes as war crimes any
"violations of the laws or customs of war which include...wanton
destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified
by military necessity." Are there violations here? Among the targets
so far are airports, communication facilities, electrical plants,
government buildings, houses - all attacked for a political purpose.
After a building that housed UN de-mining workers was destroyed,
the UN appealed to the US to protect civilians in its military strikes:
in less polite terms, to obey international law mandating such
protection. Apparently they do not agree with Tony Blair that the
attackers are doing all they "humanly can." (In Ramsey Clark's The
Fire This Time, similar arguments and many more are made with
regard to the Iraq war.)

The Pentagon has expressed satisfaction with the early results. Let's
conclude by considering a different source: Afghan civilians. Here's
a sampling of testimonials reported by the Boston Globe and New
York Times.

Rais Mazloomyar Jabirkhail: "They are not God. They want to
pinpoint every target, but they can't make every missile go after
Osama and terrorist training camps..." While not a supporter of bin
Laden, he asked why, in response to what bin Laden was accused of
doing, the United States "is destroying our whole country."

Mohammad Akram: "They should find Osama bin Laden and attack
only him. Why did they attack all of Afghanistan? We are just poor
people in Afghanistan."

Mohammad Zahir: "Everyone wants to eliminate terrorism from the
face of the earth, but the way adopted by the US is not fair because
masses of ordinary people also live in Afghanistan. The attack was
not just on terrorist camps...I know those are residential areas."

Abdul Malik: In his village there was "great panic among the people -
they are running toward hilly areas away from cities...We were
telling the women and children that everything will be OK, we will be
safe [in the hills], we will pray to God."

Naseebullah Khan: "It's not true that the Americans have only been
bombing military targets. Many of the bombs are dropping on
residential neighborhoods."

Abdul Qahir: "Though people are fed up with Taliban rulers, at the
same time we are not supporting the US attack on our beloved
country. It is against human dignity."

Meanwhile, thousands of Afghans reaching the Pakistani border
have reportedly joined anti-US demonstrations in Quetta, Peshawar,
and elsewhere. Apparently the view of many ordinary Afghans
doesn't match that of their self-proclaimed saviors.

woensdag, oktober 10, 2001


... Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors, so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.

Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

donderdag, september 27, 2001

This my reaction on a topic on my sister's messageboard , it's on her site ,under the babble link , the topic name is 600 words and my article is named True.
So here it is :

What's been written in this article is right, and it's not that difficult to find out for yourself where the USA was going wrong....but , what I can't forget (all this time we are working for worldpeace) is that WE are on the 'other' side as well....we are part of the rich western world , we consume to much and our politicians neglect the starving as well.
But changing this is such an immense task , that every individual is overwhelmed by it.
The only solution I can think of is really simple and perhaps not far reaching enough , but it works for me (and always has)...
Be a caring person in your own living space, take care of children & animals , take care of the environment, be compassionate.
Shelter, feed and help ALL the people less fortunate then yourself.
Take a REALLY good look around you and see all the un-necessary luxury items you've collected over the years.....see how privileged we are...how well fed , how well taken care of....

NOW RETURN THE FAVOR , there are many people who need that , often in your own country...show your love.

And in the end, the love you take ,(will) be equal to the love you make....
-John Lennon-

So when I write "Love & Peace" ...I mean it.


donderdag, september 20, 2001

Pay attention please !

I would like you to cast a Peace vote .
It's for a good cause ...WORLD PEACE.... now YOU can vote for that can you ?
The ACTION AGAINST ANGER site from our Canadian brothers & sisters... : )
The USA site for the Action Against Anger....
and this is the United Kingdom site.....
This drawing is made by Josh , the 11 year old son of my internet friend Njneere

I know...The terrorist attack that shocked America and shocked the world is almost ten days old...and I haven't mentioned it yet .
In fact , I haven't had the time at all to write about it because I was devastated
I've changed my campage for the time being...have a look at it , there are some usefell links there.

And look at these Prayer Circles at Beliefnet.com ...SO many , in just one site !
It's almost hopefull.....

maandag, september 10, 2001

zondag, september 09, 2001

I couldn't help myself , but I had to show you some of the most unusual Thai food I've ever seen.
Enjoy !
Online Buddhist Center
These are cool.
Yeah, I know...I haven't been doing a lot on this (or any other) page...I'm ill , bronchitis, and life in general takes to much of my energy to do as much as I want on the internet.
But I sure hope I''ve got enough time (of life) to do that later.
In the mean time...read some of this...it's the sort of thing that occupies me.
Online Buddhist Center

donderdag, augustus 30, 2001

maandag, augustus 27, 2001

zaterdag, augustus 25, 2001

Screensaver Lifesaver Once again...from the University of Oxford, use your idle pc time for a worthwhile cause....is this good english ?

Please contact me for my language mistakes or just witty remarks.....

donderdag, augustus 23, 2001

maandag, augustus 20, 2001

International Fund for Animal Welfare | Urgent Whaling Appeal |

They're killing the most magnificant creatures (still) alive in the seas today !.....Please Help.......

zaterdag, augustus 18, 2001

SILVERBOL Precious stones & jewelery ....very nice ! ( If someone would like to give me a little gift from this store....just go ahead !) ;-D
woeste-aarde.pagina.nl is a portal page about our "Violent Earth"......Violent yet Beautiful ...

maandag, augustus 13, 2001

And here's her view on a Flash picture slideshow....so nice....

and another nice GIF she made.


My sister knows how to use Flash...she's getting better & better each day.
I don't know how to use Flash...yet.
My life is so filled with work & kids & friends , that _unfortunatly_ it takes quite some time before I can give myself some "free" time to learn a program.
And furthermore...I'm not really healthy , my lungs & liver are taking a lot of energy from me.

Anyway...I might be not as quick as my sis , but I will learn it...eventually ! : )

Look in the lines of your hands to see what life helds in "petto" for you.
Very nice mouse-over function is used here.

vrijdag, augustus 10, 2001

Moontears Realm...yep ! a new "unfinished" site of mine ... ; )

They'll give you 50 MB of free space overhere...that's a lot.

I've got myself some free storage room for pictures at PhotoIsland.com...I've got like 75 MB space in here.
You will have 20 MB at the least though.

woensdag, augustus 08, 2001

dinsdag, augustus 07, 2001

Explore LostWorlds.... Another great site ... spend some time here...cool stuff

zondag, juli 29, 2001

The Healing Wisdom Of Medicine Cards this is my card for the day as it seems... Good one !
At SERENITY you'll find exquisite indoor water fountains, tabletop fountains, zen alarm clocks ( zen clocks ), japanese incense and mayan hammocks - for relaxation - stress relief - stress reduction...lotsa really nice stuff you might want to check out.
Cyber Meditation at daily Zen....ssshhhht....
Daily Zen Meditation is an Absolute Excellent site that I fully reccomend to you !
And this is the back.....obviously.
Ever seen the banknote of Independent Tibet ?

donderdag, juli 26, 2001

United Devices, Inc.™ is an organisation where you can let your pc work in it's spare time (screensaver), for example for cancer research. Non profit by the way !
How to Light a candle and send prayers and meditations with it..

I've formed a "Healing Vibes" Messagerboard some time ago , where I often light a candle and meditate to send someone positive vibes to heal , mentaly or fysically. Here's another praying circle...

Dutch readers only !.../Muisarm.nl - Alles over RSI about RSI (I don't know the english word for it) , an overstressed arm / neck & back problem , often due to working too long behind your monitor.
I suffer from it myself at the moment...it's also called a mouse-arm ..... muis-arm...and it sucks major ass !!

woensdag, juli 25, 2001

This is a dream of mine....have a piece of forestland and build several Tree Houses like these....great !
Jurassic Park 3 a nice adventure game , click on the link and you'll step right in ! Have fun !

What can I do to help someone who may be suicidal?

The last in the row of usefull but heavy links.

An interesting page here...Handling a call from a suicidal person . You might know that I've worked at a community Help Service. Mostly on the phone with various people in need (and somethimes despair).
While we're still on the more "heavy" subjects , here's a site about depression
This is something you should read when desperate and thinking about suicide ....seems very usefull ...Suicide: Read This First
Recovery From grief and loss is something that's an important subject to think and meditate about for me on a daily base......mmm....

dinsdag, juli 24, 2001

live psychic reading, astrology chartstarot card reading, numerology, daily horoscopes, psychic chat, biorhythms, iching, runes, ouija, zodiac ...Got that ? ..try to be a trial member for a week...unlimited psychic readings in live chat (with cam)
The Windows Registry Guide at WinGuides.com (formerly RegEdit.com) offers everything you ever wanted to know about the Windows Registry. You will also find various programs to tweak, make changes or delete various Registry entries, and if you become a member (free service), you are also entitled to receive special offers, post messages to their Support Forum, and a free copy of the Windows Registry Guide for members, which is updated more frequently than the free version for non-members. (these words come directly from KENJA

So Thank you Kenja !

fdisk & format instructions for any Windows 95 98 98SE WinME computer system... only for experienced pc users.
This free download offers a lot off extra's so download the Ultimate Boot Disk further it offers :Virus Scan Option
Restoration of System Files
Rapid Windows Installs
Identification of PC Hardware
Windows CD file extraction
Startup Troubleshooter
Clone Drives or Partitions
Registry File Shrinker
Computer Hopes free computer help... Don't know...you might need this...big site with lotsa help.
Not a scanner , but a cleaner, so Getvirushelp at getvirushelp.com : ) Succes !
Here's a Free Mailcleaner , I really like this one....neat , runs alongside other virusprogs...Excellent !
VCatch - Free Virus Protection Tool...the name says it all...with some emphasis on the word FREE ; )
A tool window to show you how it looks...(the Handybit integrationtool)
Some safety issues today, here's a Virusscan integration tool and I'll add some more virus freeware later...(to integrate, hi hi)

zondag, juli 22, 2001

The Webby Awards....The Webby Awards: 2001 Winners
DancingPaul.com: I can dance if I want to! I found him at the Webby Awards....either he is already a winner , or he's a nominee... just a fun site to play around with a bit.

Changed as well as updated......Moontears Lair ....
... the former Smokey Eyes Cam. Check me out pleaze : )

dinsdag, juli 17, 2001

Modern Living Han Hoogerbrugge's view on life in general and his life in particular....in Flash
Gimme Back My God!.Dan Harlows daily view of the world... Excellent !
Moontears Lair

Yep ! ... My new webpage, I've got a bigger (more expencive) cam I've bought myself for my birthday !... YIHAAA !!
btw....don't expect to see me very often.... Ciao !

zaterdag, juli 14, 2001

Moontears' Nest Very quickly made site...just to secure my files stored at Tripod...
They tend to throw ALL your files out if you haven't made a homepage with them.

So now I have one ! *Big evil grin*

vrijdag, juli 13, 2001

I had to write (or like this one , quickly translate one of mine) a poem to keep my favorite bookmarksite BLINK! free of charges...so..here it is;finaly an english poem by me. *smile*

At the page write in their search machine my name : Ellen de Groot
There you'll find the poem.
BTW....I don't mind feedback at all !

The Little Guy

Don't touch me !!

And here's Herman Brood in ENGLISH/AMERICAN language.
And for some more farewell words....Take a look at Herman's website.
He wanted us to have a great party at his funeral....so.....PARTY ON !!

Condolances for Herman Brood .... Hollands one & only Rock & Roll junkie is dead.

Peace Herman.

maandag, juli 09, 2001

Startears Inside.... will be my "homepage" in a while... when I've got time to write

zaterdag, juli 07, 2001

Do you know the The ICQ Sound Boards ? I've just downloaded the ' Furby' soundsceme... funny.. : ) I'm a enthousiastic user of icq as you might know...

My number is 56480921....eh...read my icq-info please....do me (and yourself) a favor. Talk to ya later !

eugenemirman.comThis 'homepage' is absolutely good for a big smile....Enjoy !

vrijdag, juli 06, 2001

Undying a far out , creepy game. You can download a demo here...it's scary.......

donderdag, juni 28, 2001

zaterdag, juni 23, 2001

This one's for all us Dutchies......Van Kooten en de Bie Startpagina Great Stuff.... when you speak Dutch that is... : )

woensdag, juni 20, 2001

maandag, juni 18, 2001

3D Artists - Art Gallery Absolute awsome 3D art...immense quantities of pure and amazing artwork...check it out man.... ; )

zondag, juni 17, 2001

Time Zone Converter So..... yes , this is exactly what it appears to be...a timezone converter ! (for those of you having trouble doing maths)

vrijdag, juni 15, 2001

ode aan layla Very moving , it's about Mad Cows Disease ... the music makes me cry.... They slaughtered thousands of cows, sheep ,pigs and goats in our country the past months....*sigh*.. What is the meaning of this all ?.......